Pari-tty - : User-interface to "Pari-Gp" current version: GUI : ver 2.03.01(56) (10.01.2011) *** BETA VERSION*** using Pari-GP: ver 2.2.11 GUI for Win/XP and Win 98 (few tests for Win 98) Author email: ---------------- all rights reserved ------------ Gottfried Helms University of Kassel, Dept. 04 D- 34119 Kassel =========================================================================================== Appendix: 1) New 2) corrected 3) Issues pending 4) How to install 5) Sample *.ini-file ========================================================================================== Type of Update: 11.01.2011 New,Corrections 12.10.2007 New,Corrections, enabling for Win98 22.07.2007 New,Corrections 10.12.2006 Corrections 21.10.2006 New, Corrections 14.10.2006 New, Corrections New: 10.01.2011 switchable Wordwrap for protocol-window enabled 12.10.2007 Sub-window orientation; internal timer 22.09.2007 multiple "sandboxes" (non-appending output-windows) direct clipboard-support project-naming (a bit of beginning) 21.10.2006 protocol-file can be set to *.rtf-file, allows to contain bitmaps 14.10.2006 enhanced %bmp-command definition-abilities full general expression can be given for matrix to bmp as well for title, separated by : %bmp paricode : title , paricode : title ,... Autostart Pari/GP with Pari-tty. Can be customized in options-screen or via paritty.ini-file Corrected/Debugged: 10.01.2011 Ini-file errors corrected 12.10.2007 Corrected for Win 98 and slow/small hardware 22.09.2007 Behaviour of {} - brackets implemented 10.12.2006 Behaviour of \,= at line-end and {sequel} was corrected 21.10.2006 Protocolfile- rtf-definitions/option straightened entry in paritty.ini "listingpfad" renamed to "protpfad" 14.10.2006 Protocol containing escape sequences cleaned Issues pending: 22.09.2007 decimal-formatting of output localization - german GUI-support 14.10.2006 in case of Pari/GP-hang:[STP]-[BRK]-Button continues to be visible situation must be cleared by stopping Pari/GP 14.10.2006 Parsing of %bmp-sequences: esc-character /" misleading Due to old text-scan-utilities a double-quote "" is expected as placeholder for a quote in a quoted string. %bmp mymatrix : "x""y" gives a title like x"y If you need to define a quote *in a string* in the pari- matrix-expression, the usage of /" confuses the parser. If you need qoutes in a matrix-expression, prepare a separate Pari/GP-matrix *before* the %bmp-command: mymatrix = matrix(2,2,x,y,"text/" ") %bmp mymatrix : mytitle Avoid /" in the %bmp, %print-command so far. For the title-token a "-quote can be given by "" This problem will be resolved in a next version 14.10.2006 Localization: english language support will be implemented soon. ================================================================== Pari-TTY : Pari-GP User-interface ================================================================== How To install: Use the Setup-file (constructed with INNO-Setup-Software) To uninstall: Paritty can then be uninstalled via the software-controls-applet. Requires: Some Borland- and JEDI- runtime-modules (*.bpl,*.de, Delphi Version 6.0, Jedi Version 3.0) will be placed in windows\system (Win98) or windows\system32 (WinXP) folders. Also the old IBM-Letter-Gothic truetype-font will be copied to the fonts-folder to have a slim font to fit in the two notepad-windows. However the Microsoftfont Lucida console is used as default-font in many instances; you may switch to other fonts in the Pari-TTY's configuration dialog later. ------------------------- You need have PARI-GP installed before you start Paritty, so that you can provide the path to the Pari-executable in the primary configuration dialog. This version of Pari-TTY is designed based on Pari/GP 2.2.11 ------------------------- You can locate your user-project-data on a disk/location different to the program folders. Use the configuration-utility or edit the ini-file. The area for user data contain the "syntax" and "listing"-folder. Locate and name them as you need it. ------------------------- If you start the program, and the options for a path to Pari/GP in the ini-file is not set, the configuration-dialog appears automatically. You can then insert the needed directory-entries. ------------------------- The program is developed and tested on win-xp; and short in- stallation- and runtimetest were performed on a vanilla win98- pc, still problems are occuring with win98. *Problems* occured on an older PC/Win 98 while starting the Pari- subprocess: sometimes the process seems to not to register correctly, so one had to stop and restart the pari-process one or two times. But that occurence seems to be random, and possibly due to long loading time of the pari-module which -again possibly- interfere with hidden critical win98-processes. To install pari-gp see: Pari-GP-homepage: or obtain a copy of Pari-GP ver 2.2.11: Indexfile for more free software (indexes under construction): --------------------------------------------------------------- A sample paritty.ini - file [Versionsinfo] Version=Beta 2006.10.21 ;-------- this option=1 shows a first-use-hint in the beginning of your syntax-notepad RunFirstTime=1 [Pari] ;----- the following line is disabled to allow the program to open the configure dialog ; Paripfad=D:\Programme\PARI Paripfad= PariExe=gp.exe ; the following entry is critical. Maybe in further versions it will be hard-coded PariCmdParam= --emacs PariAutostart=0 [Anwendung] ; where the application and its helpfiles reside Basispfad=c:\Programme\Paritty ; the path to the help-subdirectory is relative to the app-path Hilfepfad=Hilfe [User] ; where user-data are stored, default is subdirectory of applicationpath UserPfad=C:\EigeneDateien\Paritty Syntaxpfad=C:\EigeneDateien\Paritty\Syntax Protpfad=C:\EigeneDateien\Paritty\Listing ;----- defaults for new listingfiles, stored in plain-ansi-text ProtDfltRtf=1 ProtFilenameDflt=GpProt ProtFileExtDflt=.rtf ;----- default for new syntaxfiles SyntaxFilenameDflt=GpSyntax [GUI] ListPariFont=Lucida Console ListPariFontSize=10 ListBackColor=7539003 ;--- textcolor for pari-output ListPariColor=307881 ;--- textcolor for cmd-documentation in output ListCmdColor=11754489 ;--- position & size of application window and width of pari-output-subwindow WindowPosX=20 WindowPosY=88 WindowSizeX=991 WindowSizeY=689 WindowSepX=629 ;--- not yet used; Listpari* is applied. ListCMDFont=Letter Gothic ListCmdFontSize=11