Identities involving binomial-coefficients, Bernoulli- and Stirlingnumbers
Gottfried Helms 03´2007
A problem with powersums
Abstract:  a known problem of powersums is attacked. The problem is known as
"do any positive integer k and n exist so that 1^k+2^k+3^k+...+n^k = (n+1)^k ?"
The problem is here converted into an identity using Bernouli-numbers/ zeta-values and binomials
From a first impression this problem seemed to be easily solvable, but unfortunately it has more complexity than exhibited at the first glance... So a solution could not be given yet, but may be it gives a road, which can be continued meaningfully.
1 Coefficients of polynomials f_k(x)
2 Real roots of the polynomials f_k(x)
3 Inverse of the matrix of coefficients of f_k(x)
Version: 05. Mrz 07 11:00